Assisted Living Centers
Why is Insurance so Important for Assisted Living Centers?
Elder care in the United States is an industry poised for unprecedented growth as Baby Boomers are reaching certain stages of life. The next twenty years may see growth unlike any other. This means increased demands on infrastructure and rising instances of elder abuse claims, lawsuits, and other risks that make insurance a necessity rather than a luxury for these facilities.
Lawsuits are expensive to fight and medical malpractice claims and lawsuits are shockingly common in today’s society. Assisted living centers make convenient targets for families that are concerned over the failing health of loved ones and frustrated over the situation altogether. The facility and administrators make convenient targets when things go wrong – even small things. Larger mistakes can be particularly problematic.
The right kind of liability insurance coverage can not only help you with the costs of legal defense against these lawsuits, but can also help pay out awards and settlements when the lawsuits occur.
What Kind of Insurance for Assisted Living Centers is Needed?
Assisted living facilities have many options for insurance. It’s vital to discuss your needs with an independent insurance agent so you can get a big picture risk assessment combined with a detailed analysis of the insurance needs that are specific to your senior assisted living center.
General types of coverage needed by most assisted living centers include:
General Liability
Professional Liability
Business Auto
Medical Malpractice
Directors and Officers Insurance
Workers Compensation
Employee Benefits Liability
Business Owner’s Policy (BOP)
Commercial Property
Sexual Misconduct
Defense Costs (outside of standard coverage limits)
General Liability (for injuries to non-residents)
Coverage for Students in Formal Training
Crime Insurance
Flood Insurance
Equipment Breakdown Coverage
Why Should You Choose Us for Your Insurance?
You may be under the mistaken impression that all insurance agencies are alike. We believe the secret to our 50 plus years of success is that fact that we remain committed to offering professional agents who provide personal service to all of our customers.
See the difference today when you go online for a free no-obligation, no-hassle rate quote. We believe we are the best because we don’t offer cheap insurance. We offer affordable rates for full coverage protection.
Most inexpensive insurance offerings make up the difference in price by offering inferior service and protection. It’s a distinction someone in your position really can’t afford.
Important Notice
Any submissions or payments made via this website do not constitute a binding agreement to your policy or coverage(s). Changes and payments to policies are not effective or binding until you, or any party involved, receive official notice from either your insurance agent, or your insurance company.

Assisted living facilities provide valuable services to the elderly population. By encouraging independent living for as long as possible, while providing assistance when needed, you allow your residents to maintain mobility, quality of life, and personal dignity a little longer.
Unfortunately, operating facilities such as this, those that safeguard the health, well-being, and even lives of residents places you at significant risk – especially if you’re operating without adequate insurance coverage for assisted living centers.