Antique/Classic Car Insurance
What Qualifies as Classic Cars?
Classic cars are cars that are considered rare and ten or more years old. Antique cars are 25 or more years in age. Of course, these cars fall under many names or titles depending on their owners. Some may include:
Antique Cars
Antique Trucks
Exotic Cars
High-Quality Classic Car Replicas
Hot Rods
Low Riders
Muscle Cars
Street Rods
Vintage Vehicles
Some modern classic cars, race cars, and cars in the process of being restored also qualify as classic cars and need the more specialized auto insurance coverage as well.
Types of Coverage for Classic and/or Antique Cars
One of the most important types of coverage to purchase for your classic or antique care is the agreed value coverage. This coverage assigns a cash value to the car that is agreed upon by you and the insurance company.
If something does happen to the vehicle, this is considered to be the full amount of coverage for the vehicle and depreciation does not factor into the payout. Some policies for classic and antique vehicles do not even have deductibles to take into account.
Classic and Antique Car Insurance Exclusions
Some cars simply do not qualify as classic or antique in the eyes of insurance companies. It’s important to know the difference. Cars that are used for camping and/or off-roading do not qualify as antique autos. Also, car kits that you build yourself that do not resemble antique or collector cars do not qualify.
Why Let Us Handle Your Classic and Antique Car Insurance Needs?
You’ve poured a lot of heart, soul, time, talent, and money into your classic car. You’ve gotten expert advice and assistance when needed along the way. That’s what we have to offer you – expert assistance when it comes to selecting the right insurance plan at the right rates to meet your classic car needs.
In addition to our package policy discounts, we offer free online rate quotes (which we can provide through our use of multiple top-notch insurance carriers) so you can get the best of both worlds – affordable rates on a product you need without worries of cheap cut-rate insurance services that are not nearly as inexpensive as they claim to be when all is factored in.
Important Notice
Any submissions or payments made via this website do not constitute a binding agreement to your policy or coverage(s). Changes and payments to policies are not effective or binding until you, or any party involved, receive official notice from either your insurance agent, or your insurance company.

Classic and antique cars can be quite a joy to own. Some might even call owning classic cars a passion. These cars also happen to be major investments of time, money, and love.
Classic Car Insurance vs. Standard Auto Insurance – What’s the Difference?
The difference between standard auto insurance and classic and antique car insurance is quite significant. Traditional auto insurance coverage values cars according to their age and not, necessarily, their condition. That’s why it is so important to look for auto insurance specifically designed for antique and classic cars to protect your investment.
Classic and antique car insurance takes into account the amount of money invested in the act of restoring the car to its former glory. You’re able to purchase insurance coverage for that investment. At the same time, you cannot use this work of art as your primary vehicle. It’s a “Sunday drive” sort of car and not one you’d take to work every day. Most insurance policies impose mileage limits on autos they insure as classic or antique cars.